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Reggio Emilia Inspired Education

Loris Malaguzzi believed children were in need of a more holistic kind of education after World War II. He described the environment as: 'There are three teachers of children: adults, other children, and their physical environment..'

Written by: Bellbird  

Reggio Emilia Is not a person, but a town in Northern Italy                                                                                     

A brief History - Loris Malaguzzi            

'There are three teachers of children: adults, other children, and their physical environment..'   

Malaguzzi believed children were in need of a more holistic kind of education after World War II

Benefits for Children

  • Higher levels of participation and engagement
  • Meaningful and memorable experiences
  • Autonomy of learning
  • Whole body learning

The Role of Educators

Learn alongside WITH children :- Observer, Participant, Captures 'teachable moments

What it means to be 'Reggio Inspired'

1.Environment - Documentation, Inquiry, Observation, Collaboration, Community

2.Partnership - ‘ supporting the learner's development..' (Vygotsky)

3.Provocation simple provocations are best           



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